Jan Müller-Wieland : Piano Works (Shoko Kuroe, piano)


The titles are officially in German:


Jan Müller-Wieland


Shoko Kuroe und der #MeToo-Bewegung gewidmet



I. Der Elefant im Klavierzimmer (brachial) 

II. Flur- und Buschfunk (schwungvoll, freundlich, verlogen), attacca 

III. Schockstarre, attacca 

IV. Gehversuche (molto cantabile)

V. Gegenwehr I (sammelnd, stürmischst angstfrei)

VI. Rückschlag und Gegenwehr II (l’istesso tempo, corrente) 


The titles mean: 


Jan Müller-Wieland

Trauma and Backbone

dedicated to Shoko Kuroe and the MeToo movement


I. The Elephant in the Piano Room (brutal)

II. Grapevine and Bush Radio (buoyant, friendly, deceitful), attacca

III. State of Shock, attacca

IV. First Steps (molto cantabile)

V. Resistance I (gathering, utmost stormy and fearless)

VI. Setback and Resistance II (l'stesso tempo, corrente)


Press material


Digital Samples and CD copies available for reviews and journalistic purposes - please contact NEOS Music or myself